Dr. Artemio Del Real DC, Cert. MDT
There are many Chiropractors in Crown Point, Indiana. In Northwest Indiana, Dr. Del Real is the longest standing provider to be credentialed in McKenzie Therapy. In addition, he is the Only Chiropractor in Northwest Indiana to have the distinction to be credentialed in McKenzie Therapy aka Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy. McKenzie Therapy is a form of specific therapy that emphasizes mechanical loading strategies to treat conditions of the spine and joints. McKenzie Therapy is used by the #1 Rehab Hospital in the Country, Rehab. Institute of Chicago. It has been ranked the #1 Rehab Hospital for the past 24 years by U.S. News and World Report. McKenzie Therapy is the leading therapy for spinal joint disorders. It requires no surgery, no drugs. It teaches patients how to take control of their pain through guided care by the provider.
We Always Provide ONE-ON-ONE Therapy, Doctor to Patient.
Dr. Del Real is Large Advocate of Teaching Patients How to Fix Their Pain & Problem.
By Teaching Patients How to Take Control of Their Pain, They Learn How to Self Manage & Care.
Dr. Del Real is the Longest Standing Provider to be Credentialed in McKenzie Therapy in Northwest Indiana.
Dr. Del Real is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, where he specialized in areas of diagnosis, mechanical therapy, rehabilitative physical medicine, and sports medicine. Dr. Del Real has attended over 1000 hours of specialized post-graduate coursework on topics ranging from advanced clinical orthopedics, gait analysis, spinal disorders, sports injuries and human performance for sport.
Dr. Del Real is a member of the McKenzie Institute, Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy, Indiana Chiropractic Association and the American Chiropractic Association. In addition to helping people through physical medicine, he enjoys spending time with his son, Lucas, and wife, Jennifer. He spends much of his time reading, exercising, lifting weights, running, wood working, gardening, and spending time with his family.